Maya Angalou writes that once we realize that the world owes us nothing, then we realize that everything we are given is just that--a gift.
What are my gifts from my world?
My family--this group of people has nurtured me since I appeared on this planet and continues to give gifts to me. My mother and step-father love me unconditionally and let me know it often. They support me in all of my endeavors and only want blessings in my life. My sisters and their amazing families continue to amaze and delight--these women are building such lives for themselves and it is always a gift to watch their children and grandchildren grow and move into the world. My younger brother and his wife and two daughters in China give a gift every time they share a picture or write an email or say a prayer....they know what they mean to all of us! My aunts and uncles, cousins and extended family members, step-sisters, step-mother and everyone else connected to me by blood or marriage give the gift of their time and presence in my life. It is always greatly appreciated and loved. Even the memory of those no longer with us is a gift. It is a gift to remember their love and works. Thank you!
My tribe--Those people who have chosen to remain in my life through our various connections whether from college, a past love affair, a chance meeting or random attachment. That you remain in my life is a constant and visible gift--one that echoes through every aspect of my life. You challenge me, lift me up, give me wisdom and advice, provide succor and amusement and basically show me new ways to love. Your lives give this world much--you are all professionals, immersed in the various rhythms of your lives and yet always manage to create our symphony when we are together. And for those of tribe who have moved on, whether through estrangement or death, your vast energy and presence leaves a void that we will never fill--we just gingerly dance around it, look in, remember, laugh and love and eat some more.
My church--who would have ever thought that I would finally realize the need for a church in my life. What a gift! This congregation supports and loves me and lets me share my gifts with them. Talk about a theological win/win situation!
My work--the simple fact of being present in the world of WATC is a gift that grows me professionally and intellectually and is one I cherish deeply.
My theater friends--the gift of your talents (and that I can share in those on occasion) is one of the highlights of my life. I know, at the end of my life, on looking back, my theatrical experiences will be some of the brightest stars in my memories.
My city--what a treasure Wichita is! What a gift to live in such a vibrant, beautiful city! Such a well-kept secret--do we dare let anyone know? They might move here and ruin it! Or possibly, add their own gifts to our community.
So, I guess the reason for this post is gratitude. I am grateful for the gifts that are present in my life, in my memory and in my heart.
Peace and love,
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Paul and Shanna and Indiana Jones
Today at lunch at Sabor in Wichita, Shanna and I were chatting away when she leans over and says to me...."I think that's Harrison Ford at that table". And sure enough it was....I went over when I had a chance and told him how much I loved his work and shook his hand. He was very kind! Too cool! I knew that he came to town often because he flies Cessnas....anyway, I return to our table and Shanna immediately asks if I told him that Millworth was my favorite song he sang. Man! Make one innocent mistake and it haunts you your ENTIRE life!
Monday, December 01, 2008
Upcoming Performances
Hey all....I have two fun Christmas performances coming up, both on Sunday, December 14th:
10:30 AM--The Many Moods of Christmas, at University Congregational Church, 29th and Webb
4:00 PM--A Christmas Soiree', at Grace Presbyterian, 5002 E. Douglas
I have performed in the "Many Moods" numerous times and it has become a holiday favorite. 30+ piece orchestra and terrific arrangements of familiar carols, this is a terrific morning of music.
I have sung with Ron Daray for his "Christmas Soiree'" for a number of years. This is the second year at Grace (he recently changed churches) and it is an opportunity to hear some unique arrangements of carols and holiday music with a nice sized ensemble, brass and strings. It has always been one of my favorite gigs of the year! Come and hear both!
10:30 AM--The Many Moods of Christmas, at University Congregational Church, 29th and Webb
4:00 PM--A Christmas Soiree', at Grace Presbyterian, 5002 E. Douglas
I have performed in the "Many Moods" numerous times and it has become a holiday favorite. 30+ piece orchestra and terrific arrangements of familiar carols, this is a terrific morning of music.
I have sung with Ron Daray for his "Christmas Soiree'" for a number of years. This is the second year at Grace (he recently changed churches) and it is an opportunity to hear some unique arrangements of carols and holiday music with a nice sized ensemble, brass and strings. It has always been one of my favorite gigs of the year! Come and hear both!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
More pics from 12 Passage Beslay
9 1/2 hours on a plane
OK...those of you who know me know how much I dislike sitting still. I do everything I can to keep from getting into situations where I have to sit for prolonged periods of, why then, do I willingly sit myself into a very uncomfortable chair with room for 6' of 6'3" me...and then hurtle across the Atlantic for 9 and 1/2 hours???? HMMM? I know my brother really wants me to visit him and his family in China....but, man, I don't know if I can do much longer than that!
(Oh yeah, I am sitting in O'Hare waiting for a flight to 4 hours....remind me why Wichita is called the Air Capitol of the World? Hmmm? It sure ain't easy to get to!)
(Oh yeah, I am sitting in O'Hare waiting for a flight to 4 hours....remind me why Wichita is called the Air Capitol of the World? Hmmm? It sure ain't easy to get to!)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Saying goodbye to Paris
Here is the front of the apartment building at 12 Passage Beslay where I have been sleeping while in Paris. I leave the city tomorrow to return to the US. Sigh.
I have such an odd range of emotions--but ultimately I am so pleased with the entire trip. It has been such an easy thing! I can't wait to do it again...and soon....with anyone who wants to tag along!
Debra's visit to the US Consulate
Thursday, November 20, 2008
St. Martin du Vivier
Ok...the little hotel I found for my side trip turned out to be so freakin' charming! It was nestled in the hills above Rouen, and once I figured out the bus system, I was minutes from everything I wanted to see. I spent a good deal of time in the ancient cathedral--lit lots of candles and said lots of prayers for all of my peeps. There is something eternal about these places...they even speak to my protestant soul! Don't tell Rabbi!
Peace and love,
Peace and love,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday in Rouen
Today I took the train (and why the hell don't we have a decent train system in the US? HUH??? The Europeans have this amazing system and can get anywhere cheaply and quickly) I took the train to Rouen. My hotel is actually a village over in the charming hillside town of St. Martin du Vivier. I plan on exploring both it and Rouen all day tomorrow. I am staying at the Best Western La Berteliere and it has this pastoral inn quality that has me already in my PJs and ready for bed. I ate at my first 3-star restaurant tonight (and l'addition proved it!) and it was so delicious. In fact, I have yet to have a meal that wasn't tasty. Even the McDonalds fries I ate one day were really great. I think it has to do with NO preservatives and NO high fructose corn syrup. These people know how to eat! AND I have yet to see a single FAT French person. There are some thick folks, but not like we have in the states. I really think there is a link between the preservatives the US puts in its food, and how fat stay in our systems. ANYWAY, enough of that.
Peace and love,
Peace and love,
Monday, November 17, 2008
Being a new diabetic in Paris.

It turns out that Paris is a GREAT city in which to be a diabetic. There are pharmacies on every corner and they each have at least one English speaking clerk. I bought some glucose tabs, but have discovered a tastier way to raise my blood sugar. The one time my blood sugar got really low, I didn't panic, went to the closest boulangerie and had the most delicious crepe du chocolat. My blood sugar was fine tout suite. In fact, I have yet to run a high blood sugar this entire trip, and while I know it makes my mom a little nervous, I just make sure I have a pastry shop or bakery in sight AT ALL TIMES. Delicious! (I know the amount of physical activity I am engaging in keeps my blood sugar in the mid to high 90s usually.) OK--enough about my diabetes!
Monday Morning
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Sunday in Paris
I awoke to the sound of hundreds of church bells ringing all over Paris--calling the faithful to worship. I slept in. I'm on vacation. I'm sure God will understand...n'est pas?
The picture above is from the most amazing market on rue de Richard Lenoir. I have never seen so many people shopping in one place. It was fabulous.
Afterwords, I took myself to the cinema to see the latest James Bond flick and let my aching feet and legs rest a bit.
A plus demain!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
A funny tale....
So today while I was looking for Shakespeare and Co. (I got off at the wrong stop and was, yes, once again, lost) I found a small bookstore where the proprietor was setting out his books for the day. In my very best attempt at politeness (and in my limited Francais) I told him I was lost and asked for directions to the road that Shakespeare and Co. was on. Imagine my shock when the THICKEST Texas drawl I have ever heard came out his mouth and said "Straight ahead two blocks and turn right". I would NOT have been surprised had he added a pardner to the end of that. Just goes to can't tell a book seller by his french apparel.
Friday, November 14, 2008
A special post for my French class
You all will appreciate this little story:
My first night here, while dining with my friend Debra and her boyfriend Marc, I was telling a story about when Debra and I were in college and how I was a real "a**hole" one time at a bar. Well, I ended up calling myself a word similar to the French word for a**hole instead of an a**hole and the look on Marc's face was priceless. He was too polite at the time to correct me, but was so curious as to why I would compare myself to a duck. Finally, he started laughing, made the correction, and since then I have a new nickname....yes, both of them now call me "The Duck". I am just going to play it off as my secret spy call name.
And that's---the rest of the story.
My first night here, while dining with my friend Debra and her boyfriend Marc, I was telling a story about when Debra and I were in college and how I was a real "a**hole" one time at a bar. Well, I ended up calling myself a word similar to the French word for a**hole instead of an a**hole and the look on Marc's face was priceless. He was too polite at the time to correct me, but was so curious as to why I would compare myself to a duck. Finally, he started laughing, made the correction, and since then I have a new nickname....yes, both of them now call me "The Duck". I am just going to play it off as my secret spy call name.
And that's---the rest of the story.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Ce matin a' Paris
This morning I have spent most of my time exploring the neighborhood. The apartment is on Passage Beslay in the 11th arrondiesment. The church in the preceding picture is Saint Ambroise and it appears we are enmeshed in the St. Ambroise parish. I got wonderfully lost earlier when I was looking for a bike shop--but never fear--my language skills actually worked! I stopped into a small bookstore and got directions. Of course, I had to ask 3 more people, 3 more times before I literally stumbled onto my street. But nevertheless, I made it home. This afternoon we are getting my train tickets for Rouen next week and for Debra's trip to Normandie tomorrow. Au Revoir!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Premiere Nuit A' Paris
Tonight Debra and her boyfriend Marc took me to this terrific Senegalese restaurant for dinner. A wonderful first "official" meal in Paris. We sampled a variety of traditional dishes and then went to Sacre Coeur to take in the night view. What an amazingly beautiful city! My trip is off to a great start.
I promised my mother I'd get her a picture of the Mona, this one's for you, Mom!
Debra's lecture this afternoon centered on French restoration art--I learned so much. It is one thing to read about a picture or have a prof lecture you--but to have the work of art in front of you as a very knowledgable teacher helps you make connections--not only to the work but to the times it was created in--well, to me THAT is the true art of teaching.
I landed this morning at 10:30 and promptly went to the Louvre to attend a class given by my friend Debra. I am about as exhausted as can I will post more later!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
O'Hare on a Tuesday afternoon
Well...the first leg of my trip was just fine. No complaints. Sitting at O'Hare waiting on a transatlantic flight. Woohoo!
Peace and love and more soon...
Peace and love and more soon...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Last French Class

Tonight was my last French class before I head to Paris (on Tuesday). I was a little sad to say goodbye to this fun group of people...but happy to know I will probably see them next semester. It was enjoyable to recall my French vocabulary from my KU days and I feel pretty confident in my language skills for the trip. It was an excellent lesson in being a student again...I forget how hard it can be to learn something new--and the very uncomfortable chairs didn't help any. Anyway--I will be posting regularly about my Paris adventures right stay tuned!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Walt Whitman on Election Day
If I should need to name, O Western World, your powerfulest scene and show,
'Twould not be you, Niagara - nor you, ye limitless prairies - nor your huge rifts of canyons, Colorado,
Nor you, Yosemite - nor Yellowstone, with all its spasmic geyserloops ascending to the skies, appearing and disappearing,
Nor Oregon's white cones - nor Huron's belt of mighty lakes - nor Mississippi's stream:
This seething hemisphere's humanity, as now, I'd name - the still small voice vibrating -America's choosing day,
(The heart of it not in the chosen - the act itself the main, the quadrennial choosing,)
The stretch of North and South arous'd - sea-board and inland - Texas to Maine - the Prairie States - Vermont, Virginia, California,
The final ballot-shower from East to West - the paradox and conflict,
The countless snow-flakes falling - (a swordless conflict,
Yet more than all Rome's wars of old, or modern Napoleon's): the peaceful choice of all,
Or good or ill humanity - welcoming the darker odds, the dross:
- Foams and ferments the wine? it serves to purify - while the heart pants, life glows:
These stormy gusts and winds waft precious ships,
Swell'd Washington's, Jefferson's, Lincoln's sails.
Uncle Walt
If I should need to name, O Western World, your powerfulest scene and show,
'Twould not be you, Niagara - nor you, ye limitless prairies - nor your huge rifts of canyons, Colorado,
Nor you, Yosemite - nor Yellowstone, with all its spasmic geyserloops ascending to the skies, appearing and disappearing,
Nor Oregon's white cones - nor Huron's belt of mighty lakes - nor Mississippi's stream:
This seething hemisphere's humanity, as now, I'd name - the still small voice vibrating -America's choosing day,
(The heart of it not in the chosen - the act itself the main, the quadrennial choosing,)
The stretch of North and South arous'd - sea-board and inland - Texas to Maine - the Prairie States - Vermont, Virginia, California,
The final ballot-shower from East to West - the paradox and conflict,
The countless snow-flakes falling - (a swordless conflict,
Yet more than all Rome's wars of old, or modern Napoleon's): the peaceful choice of all,
Or good or ill humanity - welcoming the darker odds, the dross:
- Foams and ferments the wine? it serves to purify - while the heart pants, life glows:
These stormy gusts and winds waft precious ships,
Swell'd Washington's, Jefferson's, Lincoln's sails.
Uncle Walt
Friday, October 31, 2008
I just had the best time with Dominic and Ronan tonight...we went trick or treating and then hung out at Stan and Sue's house...(the boys' grandparents) and it was such a beautiful night. One adult was dressed as Michael Myers and he really gave Ronan a scare. He retreated to the porch for the rest of the night and talked about the mon-ter. Really great little guy!!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Gas Prices??!!??
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Prepping for Paris trip to Paris is a little more than two weeks away and I am starting to get very excited about it. I will be staying with my old friend, Debra Thimmesch, from Nov. 11 to the 22nd in her apartment in the heart of the city. I have been a little anxious about taking this trip with my new health issues, but after careful study and reflection I have decided to go. I ain't gonna let a little diabetes stop me from doing what I have planned for my life--and I have been planning this trip for almost a year now! I plan to post daily to this blog while I am in Paris and will keep you updated on my adventures! Yahoo! And....let's see.... j'ai sera a' Paris bien tot! And I am tres psyched about it!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
First Post in a While
So....I have been away from posting for a bit as I get my footing back on this new life of mine. Today I started feeling more like my old self--which is good. It's been a tough couple of weeks and I have been filled with amazing feelings of doubt and regret and sadness. Having said that, I also have been blessed with the gift of amazing friends and a wonderful family, so the journey thus far has been better than it could've been. Thank God for that! I will post more later as I continue coming to terms with this new development....
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Life is what happens to us...

....while we're busy making other plans. No? Got some great pics of my brother and his family in is posted.
Instead of bemoaning the fact that they are 1/2 a world away, I need to celebrate every picture they send me. Instead of worrying about tomorrow, I really need to pay attention to today--which I spent with various tribe members in a variety of amazing activities. Instead of waiting for my future, I need to continue to make it happen--moment by moment, day-by-day, relationship by relationship--life is good.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Mary Jane Teall Awards
So....I just won Best Actor in a Comedy/Drama tonight for my work in "Moon Over Buffalo" this summer and I am genuinely humbled. The ceremony was very cool and it was such a wonderful celebration of live theater in Wichita. I am so honored to be a part of this amazing community of talented people.
Mom at Botanica
Every year my mother has a booth of her art at Botanica's Gallery in the Garden. You can actually see her booth here:
I always look forward to this event (I help her set up and tear down her booth) because I get to see her new work or her works in progress. This year she had two beautiful new pieces that reflect a different tone for her. The first was a study on layered stones that was magnificent, but my favorite was a complex study on leaves that was so understated. I say complex, because when you first glance at it the painting appears very simple, but the more time you spend examining it and being pulled into the study, the more detail appears. It is a very splendid work of art and I am so proud of my mom who painted it!
I always look forward to this event (I help her set up and tear down her booth) because I get to see her new work or her works in progress. This year she had two beautiful new pieces that reflect a different tone for her. The first was a study on layered stones that was magnificent, but my favorite was a complex study on leaves that was so understated. I say complex, because when you first glance at it the painting appears very simple, but the more time you spend examining it and being pulled into the study, the more detail appears. It is a very splendid work of art and I am so proud of my mom who painted it!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Closing night
I posted a little while back about "opening nights" and how I love the excitement and momentum as we rush towards the first night of a theater project. Tonight we closed "Tuesdays with Morrie" at my church, and while I was disappointed in the small crowds that attended, I am very proud of the show. That I was able to hold my own with Tim Robu meant the world to me! I mean that guy can act--even tonight we were discussing one of our scenes and he hit on some terrific motivation for me that helped me nail it tonight. Anyway, I loved being able to do this show and I hope Tim and I can maybe work on it again in the future.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Counting down to Paris
I can't believe that I will be in Paris for two weeks in November. My last trip to Europe was amazing, but not taken during a particularly good time in my life. Don't get me wrong--I loved it--just not what happened on my return. Anyway, this trip will be completely different...staying with a dear plans at all for anything--just going to wing it. Oh...and I started my French class a couple nights ago....FUN!
Monday, September 01, 2008
How do I say.... grateful I am for my tribe? My family? My friends? My life? I suppose I could start with a simple....thank you. All of you....
Sunday, August 31, 2008
What a way to burn....
In spite of copious amounts of sun screen, I have managed to get some sun--but you won't hear me complaining--it feels GREAT! Today we were visited by old friend Gary and new friend Phillip. Old friend Betsy left shortly after lunch (she is trying to get back to Houston before Gustaf hits) and then there are always lots of sunny, funny young people around as Q's daughter Julia has her teenage friends in and out of the house. We are getting ready to grill steaks for our last official meal together as the rest of us will begin our various travels early tomorrow. I do know that I have soaked up enough sun and love to last me to our next gathering.
Peace and love,
Peace and love,
Saturday, August 30, 2008
My tribe...
This place and my friends are so very good for me....I have spent the entire day in the pool as old and new friends have dropped by...or landed at the airport....or driven up from's an odd mix of comings and goings as we all spend time together. Happy in each other's company. If only the ENTIRE tribe were here....but then, where we we put everybody????
Friday, August 29, 2008
Late Friday at the Q Lagoon
We arrived in Dallas about 10:30 tonight only to find a delicious tortilla soup awaiting us. We've been in the pool and getting the late-night lantern tour of the new landscaping., Coke Zero, good food and my tribe. I am in heaven....
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Saturday in the Park
Just in from an evening at the park with Dominic and Ronin--Sinda's boy's. My, my, my...what energetic little guys. Dominic went ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP of the rope ladder and his little brother Ronin spent most of the evening sliding down slides. It was a beautiful evening and just right.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
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