Thursday, March 20, 2008
New House in Riverside
About this time next week I will be moved into my new residence in Riverside. While I have enjoyed my time at 815 W. River Blvd, when the chance to have an entire house (with garage) all to myself at not much more than my current rent presented itself--I had to jump on it! All of my contact information will remain the same save my address. Email me for it!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Grapes of Wrath

I will be performing a number of small roles in the upcoming Wichita Center for the Arts' production of "The Gapes of Wrath". This show is being directed by my old friend Shaun Michael Morse and has lots of terrific people in it!. Dates of production are April 16, 17, 18 & 19 at 8:00 pm and a 2:00 Matinee on Sunday, April 20. It promises to be a beautiful production!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Small blessings.... be 40+ and FINALLY learn how to tie a full-Windsor neck tie. All of my professional life I have used the simple knot that I knew from youth--the half-Windsor. But, due to the fact that I wear a tie almost daily now, I was getting sick of the wimpy look my knots, with great humility I approached our young CAD instructor, Jeremy, and asked him to teach me the fine art of FULL-WINDSOR. May I say, that I am a terrific student and after just two attempts I feel prepared to wear the knot I have right now home. There, I shall practice all weekend until I am able to do this new knot with ease. I bet you didn't know that Friday afternoons at work could be so productive! Viva la Knot!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
My mother's paintings
In the living room of my little Riverside apartment there are two special paintings on the walls. Both are creations of my mother. Both are beautiful. Both speak volumes about how far this woman has come in life. One on wall is a lovely, woody setting--green and tree-filled--and when mom gave it to me, she mentioned about how my father Earl would go bow-hunting for deer and that she painted this as a remembrance of those happier times. Mom knows how important Dad was in my life. The other is a painting of trees in Autumn. It is such a colorful contrast to the first that it actually sits on the opposite wall. I love the beautiful pumpkin matting that she chose to bring out the palate in the painting. I've been thinking about these paintings (and the quilts that she has made me over the years) and the love that we have for one another and I realize what a lucky, lucky man I am to have this amazing, complex woman for a mother. Not only did she create and nurture me...but she continues to create and nurture life and love in her art and her home.
Friday, March 07, 2008
My tribe...
Some more training....
OK- So I have been an educator and trainer for almost 20 years, yet in the past month I have attended over 60 hours of intensive training from 4 different organizations! Who knew I had so much left to learn! LOL. Mostly it was learning how to deliver their products and services, but I actually got tons of good stuff about facilitation skills from all 4 parties. The biggest thing I learned (which I hear after EVERY class I teach) is that I need to slow down. Well, maybe you all need to speed up! HA! Anyway, I know that I perceive things in a quick manner and I just assume that everyone can keep up....bad assumption. I have asked my friend Trish here at the college to make a big banner to place in the back of all of my classrooms that reads...PAUL--SLOW DOWN. It is a skill I will work on diligently as I begin to provide training to our new clients. PAX
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Thoughts on my training--Our Whole Lives
OK-My minister and our Christian Education director asked me to be trained in Our Whole Lives--a sex-ed training program designed for all ages, but specifically for our middle- and high-school aged people. The training was held last weekend at Eden Theological Seminary in Webster Groves, Mo (near St. Louis) and it was an terrific experience. Our CE team at UCC has some decisions to make concerning parts of the curriculum, but over-all it is a terrific program designed to teach basic values concerning our bodies, sexual health and the part faith plays in relationships. Another facet of the training I enjoyed was meeting clergy and lay-people from both the United Church of Christ and some Unitarian Universalists--terrific theology and both congregations have such a calling for justice and inclusivity. Just my cup of tea! Oh yeah, and on the return trip to Wichita, I had Karen drop me off in KC and I got to be with my tribe for about 18 hours--a perfect tonic for me! PAX
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