Sunday, August 31, 2008

What a way to burn....

In spite of copious amounts of sun screen, I have managed to get some sun--but you won't hear me complaining--it feels GREAT! Today we were visited by old friend Gary and new friend Phillip. Old friend Betsy left shortly after lunch (she is trying to get back to Houston before Gustaf hits) and then there are always lots of sunny, funny young people around as Q's daughter Julia has her teenage friends in and out of the house. We are getting ready to grill steaks for our last official meal together as the rest of us will begin our various travels early tomorrow. I do know that I have soaked up enough sun and love to last me to our next gathering.

Peace and love,

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My tribe...

This place and my friends are so very good for me....I have spent the entire day in the pool as old and new friends have dropped by...or landed at the airport....or driven up from's an odd mix of comings and goings as we all spend time together. Happy in each other's company. If only the ENTIRE tribe were here....but then, where we we put everybody????

Friday, August 29, 2008

Late Friday at the Q Lagoon

We arrived in Dallas about 10:30 tonight only to find a delicious tortilla soup awaiting us. We've been in the pool and getting the late-night lantern tour of the new landscaping., Coke Zero, good food and my tribe. I am in heaven....


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saturday in the Park

Just in from an evening at the park with Dominic and Ronin--Sinda's boy's. My, my, my...what energetic little guys. Dominic went ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP of the rope ladder and his little brother Ronin spent most of the evening sliding down slides. It was a beautiful evening and just right.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tuesdays with Morrie

I will be performing the role of Mitch in UCC's upcoming production of 'Tuesdays with Morrie". This simple play is touching and timely and I look forward to working on it. Tim Robu will be playing Morrie and I am also composing an original score for the piece. We open Thursday, September 11th and run the next two nights (closing on Saturday, September 13). This is an additional production to augment our usual spring musical--which will be "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" which I will be musical directing. "Joseph" opens Feb. 19, 2009 and runs through Feb. 21. Call the church office at 634-0430 for more information and to make reservations (for "Morrie" only at this time).

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Summer Sampler from Hotel Abandon

My friend Q's new summer sampler of music rocks!!! It might be my favorite (but don't tell the other samplers--they'll be jealous).


Great News!

I can't say much, but my college had some really great stuff happen to it today concerning its accreditation status. Oh yeah, and my online stuff got accredited too--so I am just a little happy--and smug!