Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Perfect Day?

What would be your perfect day? Would it include spending some time with those you love? Would it have some good work in it for you? Would you sing out loud on occasion? Would you praise your God? Would you be thankful that you have a day at all? Would your perfect day include little children to make giggle? How about a crowd of happy Wichitans at a Riverfest event that was just right? Or a bike ride through west Wichita that left your legs with that small amount of pain that lets you know you are alive? Or sharing a chocolate mocha sundae with someone special? Would your perfect day include the anticipation of a dinner someplace special with a group of friends? How about buying gifts for your beloved mother? Does your perfect day include just a bit of television watching? Does it have you writing a blog entry about your perfect day? I am just wondering what your perfect day might include because mine had all of the previous and more!


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