Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I Love Paris in....

.....November! I did it! I bit the bullet and bought my tix to Paris. I will spending a couple of weeks there in November. For those of you who don't know--my dear friend Debra Thimmesch teaches for KU and is in France about 1/2 of the year. She invited me there for my birthday, but I was unable to go at that time--due to a number of reasons. Anyway--November is a go, because, well, they are non-refundable tickets, so I kinda HAVE to go now, don't I? So...let's see....Paul sera a' Paris' dans Novembre'. Oui Oui!


Q said...

Thank God you refrained from any overt allusions to "Gay Paris" . . .

Can't wait to see you over the Fourth at The Confused Castilian!

- Q

Pauljaxon said...

Well, I thought that was implied! Besides, being in a relationship now, I don't even think of those things! LOL