Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Q's latest samplers

I love getting my seasonal collection of new music from Quentin. They arrived yesterday and instantly went into my car's CD player. This spring's themes are Mars (all male artists) and Venus (you guessed it). I am only about 3/4 of the way through Mars, but know I am going to love them both. Q has always had an ear for music--a skill that I admire. Where I love new music and new forms of sound, I tend to get too distracted by one artist or composer and obsess over them until I understand what their music is actually about (Sondheim and Finn instantly come to mind, Mozart operas, John Rutter's choral work). Q has a great skill at listening to a wide range of artists and styles and sharing them with us on his seasonal samplers. Because of his gifts as a DJ or sampler or whatever it is he does, my musical life is much richer and I actually know some songs the younger folks are enjoying. But mostly, when I hear one of the tunes that he has discovered, I instantly know what about that song spoke to him--because it spoke to me in the same way--and I am sure it speaks to most of the tribe in a similar way.

Mostly I love the samplers because more often than not, when I hear a new tune that grabs my mind in a magic way, I am reminded, once again, of why I am friends with my tribe. And in that bright green moment of fresh air, I am 18 again--I am walking on the sidewalks of Southwestern college--it is mid-August and I am seconds away from meeting the people who will become my tribe. People that I cherish and am so grateful that the universe conspired to send my way. Whether they came by way of Mars or Venus (or in a few cases--probably--both).



David said...

You are caught in a temporal loop. Next time you are 18 again and about to meet your tribe, grab a knife and kill them all and this way you will be free.

Pauljaxon said...

But....that would not be very knife. Punny!

tim said...

Hi Paul. Tim O. here. Hope this finds you well. Nice blog. Q gave me the link, even though he's gone dark. I haven't gone dark in quite some time. I need to do that again.
I'll be back.

tim said...

Hi Paul. Tim O. here. Nice blog.