Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lead Kindly Light

Dr. Robert Meyers introduced me to a beautiful hymn while at UCC. I always loved it--its haunting melody and powerful lyrics. It was the prelude at church today and I was once again reminded of its power. Here is the Wikipedia entry about the hymn followed by the first line of lyrics:

"Lead, Kindly Light" is a hymn with words written in 1833 by John Henry Newman and 4th verse by Edward H. Bickersteth, Jr.. The tune was written by John B. Dykes in 1865.

As a young priest, John Newman became sick while in Italy and was unable to travel for almost three weeks. In his own words:

Before starting from my inn, I sat down on my bed and began to sob bitterly. My servant, who had acted as my nurse, asked what ailed me. I could only answer, "I have a work to do in England." I was aching to get home, yet for want of a vessel I was kept at Palermo for three weeks. I began to visit the churches, and they calmed my impatience, though I did not attend any services. At last I got off in an orange boat, bound for Marseilles. We were becalmed for whole week in the Straits of Bonifacio, and it was there that I wrote the lines, Lead, Kindly Light, which have since become so well known.

Lead, Kindly Light was sung by a soloist on the RMS Titanic during a hymn-singing gathering led by Rev. Ernest C. Carter, shortly before the ocean liner struck an iceberg on April 14, 1912.[1]

The first verse is:

Lead, Kindly Light
"Lead, Kindly Light, amidst th'encircling gloom,

Lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home,
Lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see

The distant scene; one step enough for me."


David said...

How tender! What haunting lyrics written as his people forcibly occupied half the world and laid waste to whole cultures. awwwwww...
"Lead Kindly Light...bang! die you savage African!...Lead Thou me on...whack! give me your riches, you dirty Indian!...The night is dark...pow! Take some of this opium, you filthy Chinaman!...

It truly touches the soul.

Pauljaxon said...

Someone is bitter.