Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oklahoma Ice Storm 2009

So...I started my new job at ITT tech yesterday, went to lunch with some of the new managerial team and was sent home at 3 because of a terrific ice storm that hit. The college is closed today as well. Turns out that it's ok....I have tons of unpacking to do and company policy reading to catch up on.

Last Friday WATC honored me with a really terrific go-away reception and on Sunday my church gave me a beautiful and meaningful farewell.

So, here I am--ready, prepared and excited for what the future holds.



1 comment:

David said...

There have been studies that show that the future can generally hold 3.46 litters of fluid. When it comes to solid matter, the future can hold 33.57 kilograms of rice or 75 cubic meters of cotton. The future CANNOT hold the line for it knows that love IS always on time and EVERYBODY knows that the future cannot hold its liquor.
Sorry to take the mystery out of it my Caucasian, land-stealer friend, but science always has the answer.