Saturday, January 03, 2009

Some Thoughts for the New Year

The universe will provide everything you need, but not everything you want. Listen to your friend's advice, then do what your heart tells you to. Work is work and play is play, but sometimes it's OK to play at work. When I sing, I feel closest to God. God loves it when we sing and make music. The Buddhists speak and teach of the "Middle Way"--between mortification and hedonism. I have found that walking in the middle is not the same as not living an exciting life--it is living a life excitingly. Balance is important. Love is more important. When, at the end of your life, and you are looking back, did you make the loving choices? Love, actually, is all around.




Yaqui Grande said...

I am sure this touches all your liberal-pinko-communist friends. What I want to know is when are you going to post something about tits and ass?

Yaqui Grande said...

The Elves speak and teach of Middle Earth. I've found that living on Middle Earth really sucks. There is no Internet, no TV, no Hobby Lobby, you have to freaking chase your food down, then there's that little issue with some asshole trying to enslave you all the time...

Pauljaxon said...

Who is this savage who posts to my sublime blog????

Yaqui Grande said...

'tis I, the Noble Savage